Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hope on the Horizon

Yesterday afternoon I had yet another date. We met at a coffee shop and grabbed a coffee and then decided to walk along the river. 8 miles later I decided that I might like this guy. Conversation was good, he is smart, we seemed to have a lot in common. I have a big ol' blister on my left foot due to me wearing my Converse sneakers and not something a little more sensible for walking 8 miles, but I am thinking the blister might be worth it. After the walk, we stopped at the bar and had a beer.

Guess what? He had a stout. Now that's what I am talking about. No PBR for this guy.

Conversation got a little tougher once inside, but that happens, right? It wasn't bad.... it just had that "first date" feel to it. A little more Q&A rather than just talking. There was no hug or kiss at the end, but that's okay, we've got plans for later this week.

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